About Us
A New Vision for Livestock Traceability.

PrüvIT offers the most advanced integrated traceability and livestock data-sharing software in the world. 

Our Vision
To revolutionize how livestock is tracked and monitored by providing users with the world's most superior livestock traceability systems.
Our Mission
To use precision technology to integrate practical, rapid and regulatory-compliant traceability solutions that connect livestock producers with every data point along the livestock production chain.
The future of traceability today. 

At PrüvIT Technologies, we develop solutions for farmers that meet their needs first and deliver value along every step of the livestock production chain. We’ve built our company and technologies out of necessity – to address the real-world problems facing livestock producers who have long been frustrated by current traceability challenges. 

With deep roots in livestock production and a thorough understanding of complex regulatory environments, our goal has always been to revolutionize how livestock are tracked and monitored by providing users with an easy-to-use, accurate and affordable livestock traceability system. 

From prevention and detection to investigation and response, we make precise traceability easy, fast and functional by integrating blockchain networks with AI, biometrics, deep machine learning, automated data sharing and autonomous record keeping.

What we believe in

Our Values

We’re committed to continuous innovation.
PrüvIT will never be done innovating.  As producers’ needs evolve, so will our technology.  We'll continue looking toward the future of livestock management and adapt and innovate as the industry evolves, ensuring our customers receive the most cutting-edge solutions possible.
We don’t just think outside the box. We blew the box up.
We’re not limited by what is; we’re motivated by what could be. We’re bringing innovation to livestock industries in new and exciting ways, even – and especially – if it’s never been done before. If it solves a problem for producers and the industry, we’ll build it.
Producers are our top priority.
PrüvIT was founded by producers for producers. We're passionate about creating practical, affordable solutions that meet farmers' needs first while giving them access to valuable information about their animals, even after the animals leave their farms.
who we are

Our History

Traceability is a pillar of modern livestock production and vital to food safety, animal health and welfare, and industry sustainability. It’s also the cornerstone of consumer trust.

But the burden of regulatory compliance falls on producers’ shoulders. It creates more work and is a significant cost for all livestock producers who already face tight margins – regardless of the species. 

What’s more, paper records and limited use of digital reporting mean that in the event of an outbreak, unwieldy manual traceback activities are outpaced by rapid disease spread. 

Today’s traceability systems provide no added value for livestock producers. There’s no aggregation of the data that producers enter. This makes it impossible for farmers to gather intelligence about their animals down the production chain to validate their farm management practices.

As Canadian regulators were leaning towards expanding and enhancing traceability legislation, farmers started to push back. Not only did farmers need a traceability system that was easy to use, but they also wanted to receive something in return for the extensive data entry required to support traceability systems.

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) looked for technology solutions that would meet producers' needs and found these solutions didn’t exist. So they decided to build the technology themselves. For the last four years, the CSF team has been developing traceability solutions designed for producers to fit within the demanding Canadian regulatory environment. 

Because other industries in Canada and beyond desperately need these solutions, the CSF launched PrüvIT
a for-profit subsidiary – to bring these solutions to farmers around the globe. 

Experience the future of livestock traceability with PrüvIT Technologies.
Our innovative solutions are revolutionizing the industry, delivering transparency, compliance and value-added data management. Book a discovery call today and see how PrüvIT can take your supply chain to the next level.
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